Christians believe Jesus is God who came to earth, lived, died and conquered death by rising again on the first Easter Day.
This is the amazing, but we believe true, story of the Bible. The history of the last 2,000 years has been deeply shaped by this good news, and continues to make a big difference today.
Because of Jesus, everyone can receive God’s unconditional love. He offers us forgiveness, freedom and fullness of life. He offers us a restored relationship with him.
There are so many other blessings on offer, for example healing for our past hurts; a wonderful purpose in life - to love God and love other people; God living within each of us by his Holy Spirit; power to overcome life’s struggles; and fellowship with a wonderful family of other Christians, both locally and worldwide.
There is also the treasure-trove of God’s wisdom that is found in the Bible, that helps us become gradually more like Jesus - who lived the perfect life. A renewed desire to help people in need. The ability to talk to God in prayer, knowing that he promises to answer our prayers. Comfort during times of suffering. The firm hope of eternal life, which takes away any fear of death.
With all of that on offer to absolutely everyone, it’s a cause for celebration. And so we celebrate every Sunday, and at other times. We also try to help people in any way we can, both practically and spiritually.
At our services and other events, there is teaching about the Christian life, which is drawn from the Bible. This helps us grow in our faith, and deepens our relationship with God.
If you’d like to find out more about the Christian faith, a good starting point might be, a helpful website which has been put together by a group of British churches. Or talk to anyone who is a Christian.
If you have any questions feel free to contact us, or come to a service (recent sermons from our 10:45 services can be listened to here), or come to any other event that you like the look of. We’d love to meet you.