Please feel free to try out any aspect of church life. Drop in, have a look, see what suits you.
Most people start by coming along to one of the Sunday services. Please make yourself known to any of the leaders, or indeed anyone else. We’d love to welcome you.
Or you could come to just about any other church activity. You’ll find them on this website. The main things on this week are on the What’s on this week page.
Here’s an idea of the main things people can get involved in:
Community Cupboard - serving people who are finding it difficult to put food on the table at the moment
Home groups - everyone is welcome to join one. They are small groups that meet weekly or fortnightly, usually in someone’s home, to enjoy time together, to read the Bible, pray, and build friendships. If you’re interested, contact Shona at who will put you in touch with the home group coordinators.