So, if you’re thirsty; if you want something deeper and more meaningful; if you’re up for taking a risk; if you long to know God - either for the first time, or in a richer way; if you long to be baptised, immersed, plunged in God’s love and grace, then come, join in, let the Spirit happen to you. Use these few weeks as a special time, a time of openness to the Spirit. The water is flowing, the Spirit is here, and we are God’s Pentecost People.
Read MoreWe live in the age of the Spirit - we are God’s Pentecost people. We are the ones in whom the Spirit longs to dwell, so that we can do Jesus’ kingdom work, healing the sick, setting the captives free and bringing good news to the poor and glory to God.
We are God’s Pentecost People and the Spirit is here.
Are you ready?
Read More“We are not meant to love one another by gritting our teeth, and summoning up super human love powers - love that is patient and kind can only emerge as a response to being loved patiently and kindly.”
Read MoreJesus never called anyone to be a church goer; he never gave anyone a list of rational beliefs and asked them to assent; he never set up an organisation and invited anyone to join. He set off on the road to the cross and the empty tomb and he said, if you want to know what life in all its fullness looks like, come and follow me. Pick up your cross, live distinctively, make the sacrifice, be my disciple.
Read MoreThere was a wonderful quote by Greg Haslam, of Westminster Chapel, on this section of scripture. He says, we need to "remember what we are told in the daylight, when we are in the darkness”.
Read MoreI don’t wish you a Happy Easter today. I wish you instead a hopeful Easter, a hope-filled Easter. Not because everything’s alright - because there’s so much that isn’t ‘alright’, and not because there’s a nice neat answer to our problems, but because Jesus is alive and at work in the messy, muddled thing that we call life.
Read More“All are welcome, Jesus at the centre, children and families as our priority, a 7-day faith, generous with all we have.
That’s who we are. That’s who we want to be. That’s who God calls us to become.”
Read More“ How we can all be a part of ensuring the children who worship with us today, will be worshipping next year, the year after, with their children and their Grandchildren.”
Read More“This week we’re going to find some practical suggestions and ideas to try out and next week we’re going to look at how the whole church family is also responsible for faith to flourish.”
Read More“Faith says - this is the greatest gift you can give a child. Tell them, share it with them. Give them the gift of God’s presence in their lives.
After all, it we don’t tell them, chances are nobody will.”
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